November 2021 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits as we head into the fall and holiday seasons. It has been a productive last couple of months as my fellow State Senators and I have continued working to help families safely move forward through the pandemic while our State continues the process of keeping businesses, schools and universities safely open.
My Capitol office team and I have been busy working to deliver more supportive resources and budget wins for our district. From increased funding for the County Veteran Service officers who help our military veterans troubleshoot or access their benefits, to state funding for upgrades to Smith Park Aquatic Center in Pico Rivera and Parnell Park in Whittier: wherever I can, I will support our community.
My district office team and I have been busy working with our regional partners. From laptop giveaways, to ribbon cutting ceremonies welcoming new entrepreneurial enterprises to our cities, we are out there and excited about seeing our community come together.
Please continue to check the County of Los Angeles Public Health website for updated guidance on Covid 19, as well as vaccine administrating locations, by visiting http://www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/.
As always, I stand ready to help you resolve any issues you may have with any state agencies, and encourage you to please reach out to either my Capitol or District offices for assistance at (562) 406-1001 or visit https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/.
God bless,
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District
Budget Wins for Public Health, Veterans, and Public Safety
I previously shared with you how privileged I am to have worked with my colleagues to deliver something for everyone in our community. This year, the state budget is funding a number of projects in our region, specifically:
- $1,000,000 in funding for Smith Park Aquatic Center in Pico Rivera for emergency repairs
- $5.019,000 in funding for Parnell Park in Whittier for improvements and renovations to the park’s facilities
- $1,075,000 in funding for the La Habra Heights Fire Department for a new fire engine and building upgrades
Seven Bills Sent to the Governor’s Desk
This year, I sent seven bills to Governor Newsom’s desk for his signature:
- SB 244 – Requires Cal Fire in consultation with relevant state agencies, the waste industry, and local governments to develop protocols for the proper management of the disposal of lithium-ion batteries, including safe handling, detection, and the suppression of fires originating from discarded lithium-ion batteries to follow to prevent fiery waste loads from lithium batteries that lead to wildfires.
- SB 268 - Authorizes establishment of the Lower San Gabriel River Recreation and Park District and make changes to the initial board of directors for the Lower Los Angeles River Recreation and Park District. (signed into law)
- SB 392 - Will improve accessibility to important documents and reduce delivery costs by requiring homeowner associations (HOAs) to communicate with homeowners via email, unless a resident chooses to receive communications via another method, such as traditional mail. (signed into law)
- SB 484 – Protects consumers while allowing them to choose a licensed plumbing contractor to conduct a sewer lateral inspection and make any needed repairs, even if the plumber’s company has performed a home inspection on the same property. (signed into law)
- SB 614 – Makes necessary revisions to ensure the CA Military Department Foundation (CMDF) can expend donated funds for Servicemembers and supports the CMDF in collaborating with like-minded organizations to ensure that Servicemember needs are met. (signed into law)
- SB 643 – Requires the California Energy Commission, in consultation with the California Air Resources Board and the Public Utilities Commission, to prepare a statewide assessment of the fuel cell electric vehicle fueling infrastructure and fuel production needed to support the adoption of zero-emission trucks, buses, and off-road vehicles. (signed into law)
- SB 800: Improves oversight of real estate and real estate appraiser professionals, while expediting applications for honorably discharged military service members and military spouses with qualifying education, training or credentialing experience. (signed into law)
As our communities strive to safely reopen and make the long term planning that is necessary to operate efficiently, I will be there to support them in any way possible. I will continue to be their partner and advocate by continuing to work on common sense legislation. Moreover, I will continue to deliver budget wins to support the immediate and long term funding that our communities rightfully deserve.
In the district, my team and I are hard at work reminding everyone to vaccinate as soon as soon as possible. As vaccines are now more readily available, it is incumbent upon all of us to do our part and vaccinate in order to keep Covid 19 transmissions rates low.
99 Ranch Market Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
This month, our community came together for a ribbon cutting ceremony at 99 Ranch Market in the City of Buena Park. Their site features a customized solar panel system provided by Sun Green Systems that is the largest solar and storage installation in the City of Buena Park. Exciting to see a renewable energy investment of this size made in our community. Their commitment to renewable energy through this project is something we can all be proud of.
Smith Park Aquatic Center Community Celebration with the City of Pico Rivera
This month our community celebrated a major budget win when the City of Pico Rivera and I announced $1,000,000 in funding for emergency repairs to Smith Park Aquatic Center is on the way thanks to funds made possible through this year’s State budget. The upcoming emergency repairs include an overhaul of the boiler system that heats the pool’s waters. These repairs, including upcoming repair work coming soon, as part of my ongoing commitment to family recreation and education centers in our community.
During this past year and a half, we all found a renewed appreciation for our cherished recreational centers as they offered us an outdoor space to exercise and take a break from our homes during stressful times. This is an important first step in the revitalization of this vital community resource, and I am excited to see it receive emergency repairs funding. This park is a rarity for offering something for everyone in the surrounding community.
Parnell Park Community Celebration
We also celebrated another major budget win for our community by announcing $5,019,000 in funding for Parnell Park in the City of Whittier for improvements and renovations that will upgrade the park’s facilities, and enhance the community’s ability to enjoy this vital open space resource for generations to come. I publicly announced the upcoming improvements during a community celebration on Friday, October 15, 2021, alongside residents and city leaders as part of my ongoing commitment to family recreation and education centers.
This is truly a generational investment in our community as parents, children, and families will all better enjoy Parnell Park for many years to come with the improvements and renovations this budget win will make possible. I am truly committed to these kind of generational improvements in our community, and am excited about future opportunities to serve our community by working for more budget wins for the City of Whittier.
Montebello’s 101st Birthday
It was all blue skies and smiling faces during a beautiful weekend with family, friends and neighbors celebrating the City of Montebello’s 101st birthday with a community parade! The City of Montebello has been home to generations of proud Southern Californians, and it has been an honor to serve as their State Senator in the California Legislature. Congratulations to our neighbors on this phenomenal milestone, and the many more to come!
Downey State of the City Address
I joined the City of Downey this month for their annual State of the City address, delivered by Mayor Claudia Frometa. Her inspiring address, recapped everything the community had accomplished by coming together in the service of each other, reminded us all why the city’s motto is appropriately “Future Unlimited”.
Association of Montebello Schools
I joined the Association of Montebello School Administrators this October to recognize a number of their retirees for their commitment to our students’ educational excellence during their time as educators.
Whittier Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting
The City of Whittier, in partnership with its Chamber of Commerce, came out in strong numbers for a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate Laurea Real Estate’s grand opening at their new location. It was an exciting event to recognize a network of professional women opening up a business to help neighbors achieve the American Dream of owning their own homes across the region.
Los Nietos School District
I met with Los Nietos School District for an update on students returning to in-person classes and the work they are doing to welcome back everyone safely to campuses. We discussed the digital divide, and partnerships that will support our students’ continued learning success. I appreciated all that our educators have done for our students order to do the best job possible to continue their education.
Los Angeles County Biodiversity Site Tour
The California Natural Resources Agency, in partnership with Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, facilitated a site tour across Los Angeles County with local partners and agencies to learn and better understand our responses to local access, biodiversity and climate challenges across our region. Our preparedness must meet the needs of our communities today and tomorrow as weather patterns that oscillate almost immediately between extreme drought and flooding are increasingly on the horizon.
California Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Conference
I joined the California Chamber of Commerce for a panel discussion on energy and climate change that allowed my colleagues and I to share updates on the work we are doing to meet our 2030 emission targets in collaboration with the business community in the fight against climate change. In order for the business community to help California meet its emission target goals, the business community will have to know what targets they are aiming at. That clarity is crucial for the business community as it makes decisions in ten or twenty year increments, just like the State, while reworking entire business models and incorporating new supply chain lines elements into emerging technologies.
I look forward as Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy to continue having these discussions in order to bridge the knowledge gap and help move our state forward on renewable and more sustainable energy technology.
Meeting with Buena Park City Leaders
I had a productive meeting with Buena Park Mayor Connor Traut and City Councilmembers discussing the city’s plans for 2022 and beyond. I am proud of the Buena Park city leaders for all that they have done in the service of their city, and look forward to continuing our partnership efforts whenever my office and I can be of service in our community.
McLane Company Distribution Site Tour
My office was privileged to be allowed a behind the scenes tour of McLane Company’s distribution center in Buena Park. They are the largest distribution company in California, employing approximately twenty-five hundred people. We discussed logistics and supply chain dynamics while expressing our appreciation of their consistent efforts through this pandemic to keep grocery stores stocked and operating.
Día de Los Muertos in Downey
Wonderful arts were on display at the 8th Annual City of Downey’s Día de Los Muertos festival. The Downey Arts Coalition and all the artists, musicians, dancers and vendors did a spectacular job making the festival a great success. Pictured with me is Maddison Ortiz, a Doty Middle School student, Mayor Claudia Frometa and Pro Tem Mayor Blanca Pacheco, and members of the Downey Arts Coalition.
Buena Park Halloween Festivities
I was very happy to join the City of Buena Park for their Halloween Festivities. It was a great event put on jointly by Buena Park Police Department and the city. I was able help pick a few winners in the costume contest. Thank you Mayor Connor Traut and City Manager Aaron France for the invite.
Veterans Day
Thursday, November 11, 2021 is Veterans Day, a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served in our Nation’s armed forces.
Originally called Armistice Day to recognize the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I, the holiday changed in 1954 to "Veterans Day" in order to recognize all veterans for their service.
We celebrate and honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. If you are looking for an appropriate way to honor a veteran in your life, or would like to contribute in a way that is meaningful for veterans everywhere, Military.com lists a number of suggestions that are viewable at https://www.military.com/veterans-day/8-ways-to-express-appreciation-on-veterans-day.html.
Every November, on the fourth Thursday of the month, we come together for the Thanksgiving holiday to express our gratitude for the events of the past year. Though we have all faced a difficult past year and a half, we must not only be grateful for the positive events that have happened to us at the same time that we think about those in our community in need of help.
I encourage you to keep in your thoughts those among us who are struggling as we go into the holiday season, and donate to your local food bank or volunteer where you are able to and collectively help our community.
My team and I will be out in the community during the holiday season to serve and support our neighbors. Whether it is coordinating resources with the food banks we regularly work with, facilitating vaccine drives in underserved regions, or toy drive donations heading into the Christmas season, we are all at our best when we come together.
Local Food Resources
For those families and individuals living in the 32nd Senate District who need assistance this Thanksgiving season, there are local organizations and businesses who are lending a helping hand.
Los Angeles County has been mobilizing public agencies, nonprofits and volunteers to provide free meals to anyone in need during the pandemic, noting that 1 in 4 residents has suffered an instance of food insecurity since it began. Their website portal connects those in need to resources that can help in order to continuing to offer support as we head into the winter and holiday season. For information on resources available through the County of Los Angeles, please visit their website at https://covid19.lacounty.gov/food/.
211 LA has partnered with Slingshot Aerospace to create a mapping tool that makes locating food resources near you easier; in additional to their website portal that links to additional food resources at https://www.211la.org/food-resources.
Heart of Compassion, a nonprofit in Montebello provides a holiday meal and other assistance. For information and event registration, please visit their website at https://www.heartofcompassionca.org/contact-us.html or give them a call at (323) 727-7997.
Mario’s Tacos in Pico Rivera has been feeding residents on Thanksgiving Day free of charge as a way to give back to the community for more than 30 years. Because of public health protocols, this year Mario’s Tacos is requiring diners to make a reservation by calling the restaurant at (562) 692-0339.
California COVID-19 Rent Relief Program to Continue
State officials have reassured Californians that the California COVID-19 Rent Relief Program is operational, and the state will continue processing incoming applications.
For more information and to apply for the program, visit HousingIsKey.com or call the California COVID-19 Rent Relief Call Center at 833-430-2122 (toll free) daily between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Private healthcare providers in LA County are still providing vaccines
Kaiser Permanente for example maintains a list of vaccination sites at: https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/southern-california/downey/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2021/07/KPDowneyAllSites_VaccineAvailabilityFlyer_061821_ENG-SPA.pdf Non–Kaiser Permanente members will also be able to get the vaccine through them at no cost. I remain grateful to our community partners throughout Los Angeles County for their unwavering commitment to public health, and for their outreach efforts in order to bring resources to all members of our community during these times.
See the LA County Health Officer Order and Best Practices for Businesses webpage for details of workplace requirements. For the most up-to-date information from the State of California, please visit covid19.ca.gov, and please continue to follow the current guidelines from the CDC website on how we can protect each other and ourselves. For additional info from LA County’s Covid 19 website, please visit http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/.
California Offers New Digital Tool Giving Residents Convenient Access to Their COVID-19 Vaccine Record
The California Department of Public Health and California Department of Technology offers a Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record for Californians, available at myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov. The tool is a convenient option for Californians who received a COVID-19 vaccination to access their record from the state's immunization registry systems. For more information about the Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record, please visit covid19.ca.gov.
Assisting You with State Agencies
My staff is available and committed to helping you resolve any issues you have with any state agencies. We will contact a state agency on your behalf to see if we can help get your questions answered or matter resolved.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my staff has helped hundreds of people in our community with EDD claim issues, ensuring they received their benefits. Whether you have an issue related to this year’s tax season for which you need to speak with the Franchise Tax Board, or your professional license with the Department of Consumer Affairs is pending and you are not sure when it will be renewed, we can help if you give us a call at (562) 406-1001. You can also find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at https://bit.ly/3ikvzm6
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District