July 2021 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor,
It’s been a very productive and exciting month in Sacramento as our State has begun the process of reopening all services and many businesses. My fellow State Senators and I have continued working to help families safely move forward after and beyond the pandemic. I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits as we approach the Fourth of July.
I am happy to report that a number of my bills related to public safety, veterans affairs and infrastructure have passed the Senate and are moving through the legislative process, and soon on to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
As a lifelong veterans advocate, I was especially honored to author Senate Bill 614. This bill makes revisions to the law that ensures the California Military Department Support Fund, which are monies held and donated, can be expended on military members and their families. The fund can now partner with organizations that provide services to active duty, reserve, and national guard military members and their families throughout the state.
June 28th was an exciting day in Sacramento. The Senate passed a budget that secured funding for various projects that I fought for. I was able to secure $4.5 million establishing a clinical trial network of blood cancer research experts across UC cancer centers whose research may save lives across the State of California.
I was also able to secure $1.1 million for the City of La Habra Heights Volunteer Fire Department, and an additional $5.4 million in support of county Veteran Service Officers who counsel and find a pathway for our veterans to obtain their well-earned and deserved VA benefits. I will continue to work with my staff as we look for additional funding to support issues within our 32nd Senate District.
I unfortunately must remind everyone that the pandemic is still with us and I continue to encourage everyone to practice safe physical distancing when necessary, and to please get your vaccine shots. My district office and I are continuing to deliver personal protective equipment like masks and gloves to vulnerable senior center residents and front line workers.
I stand ready to help you resolve any issues you may have with any state agencies, and encourage you to call or email my office should you need assistance.
As always, please reach out to either my Capitol or District offices for assistance at (562) 406-1001 or visit https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/.
God bless,
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District
In the Capitol following the June 4th House of Origin deadline, a number of bills I worked on were passed by the Senate and are currently waiting to be heard and voted on in the Assembly.
Below is a summary of which bills passed, and what I am hopeful they will do to improve California:
SB 244 – Lithium-ion batteries: illegal disposal: fire prevention
Tasks the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire), in consultation with relevant state agencies, to establish proper protocols for waste haulers to follow to prevent fiery waste loads that lead to wildfires.
SB 268 - Lower Los Angeles River Recreation and Park District
This bill would authorize the establishment of the Lower San Gabriel River Recreation and Park District and make changes to the initial board of directors for the Lower Los Angeles River Recreation and Park District.
SB 277 – Fireworks: dangerous fireworks: seizure: management
This bill establishes a special fund to further training in regards to enhanced firework enforcement policy and permits the resale of certain confiscated fireworks to certified wholesalers, in good-standing with the State Fire Marshall, with the proceeds going into the existing State Fire Marshall Fireworks and Disposal Fund. (This bill does NOT ban safe and sane fireworks)
SB 392 - Realtors: Common interest developments: document delivery
This bill provides preferred document delivery options of traditional mail or email to HOA members, and at the same time ensures timely and secure delivery.
SB 484 – Home Inspectors: sewer lateral repairs
This bill exempts a licensed plumbing contractor, upon meeting certain conditions, from provisions relating to a home inspection, which prohibits repairs to a structure on which the inspector or the inspector’s company has prepared a home inspection.
This bill continues a series of moratoriums on card club expansions that have been repeatedly enacted by the legislature. Specifically, SB 576 enacts an extension of the existing moratorium on card club expansion for an additional five years from the current expiration date of January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2028. Consistent with previous moratorium legislation, this bill also simultaneously allows a modest increase in the amount of licensed tables, subject to local government approval, up to 2 tables a year with a maximum of ten additional tables per club.
SB 614 – California Military Department Foundation State Contracting Exemption
This bill authorizes the Adjutant General and the Military Department to enter into a memorandum of agreement, as specified, to conduct California Military Department Support Fund activities and to expend money in the California Military Department Support Fund to pay a nonprofit military or veteran foundation, military organization, or other entity for the sole purpose of supporting California Military Department Support Fund activities if that money was donated for those purposes.
SB 643 – Hydrogen Infrastructure Assessment
This bill requires the California Air Resources Board to prepare a statewide assessment of the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) fueling infrastructure and fuel production needed to support the adoption of zero-emission trucks, buses, and off-road vehicles.
I look forward to updating you in future newsletters on the progress of these bills as they continue moving through the legislative process.
Budget Updates
The budget agreement that passed the Senate Monday secured funding to support projects ranging from $4.5 million for a clinical trial network of blood cancer experts across UC cancer centers, $1.1 million for the city of La Habra Heights Fire Department, $4.2 million for the city of Whittier’s LGBTQ+ Regional Hub, and $5.4 million in support of county Veteran Service Officers.
I am committed to improving the quality of life and public safety of all the communities in my district. What was secured in the budget will help fund supportive housing for homeless Veterans. It will help finance improvements to our parks and recreation districts. And it will fund cancer research that could potentially save the life of a loved one. I am proud to have worked with my colleagues to deliver something for everyone in my district.
The budget will provide:
- $20 million to help fund 1,200 permanent supportive housing units for homeless and at-risk veterans at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center Campus.
- $25 million to help fund 1,200 permanent supportive aging veterans and veterans with disabilities who have experience chronic homelessness
- $800,000 to the City of Downey for the Space Shuttle Inspiration restoration.
- $1,075,000 to the City of La Habra Heights Fire Department to replace the steel building, foundation, and concrete floor for the building that houses the fire apparatus and to purchase a fire engine.
- $935,000 to the City of Montebello for the Rio Hondo Coastal Spreading Grounds fence replacement.
- An increase of $5.4 million ongoing support for County Veteran Service officers.
- $4,500,000 to support the University of California Hematologic Malignancies Pilot.
- $2,000,000 to the City of Lakewood for community facilities, park, or recreational facilities construction, acquisition, or improvements.
- $4,200,000 to the City of Whittier for the LGBTQ+ Regional Hub.
- $3,000,000 to the City of Norwalk for homelessness and affordable housing.
- $800,000 to the City of Hawaiian Gardens for community facilities, park, or recreational facilities construction, acquisition, or improvements.
- $45,000,000 for the Southeast Los Angeles Cultural Center Project.
- $4,300,000 for a walking trail along San Gabriel River to the Pacific Ocean.
As our communities strive to safely reopen and make the long term planning that is necessary to operate efficiently, I will be there to support them in any way possible. I will be their partner, and advocate for the immediate and long term funding that our communities rightfully deserve.
Forever Essential Healthcare Workers Vigil & Memorial Event
On June 2nd, to commemorate the lives of hundreds of California caregivers who died from COVID-19, healthcare workers held a vigil and unveiled the Forever Essential memorial installation on the West Side of the State Capitol building in Sacramento. Friends and family of fallen healthcare workers were present to speak about the lives of their loved ones. We must never forget those who courageously answered the call to action and put the health of safety of others before their own lives. Without our front-line healthcare workers, we would not be here today. God bless our healthcare workers. The Forever Essential memorial will make stops in cities across California this summer, offering a space for communities to remember and grieve. SEIU-UHW invites the public to add the names of healthcare workers who passed away from COVID-19 to the online memorial at www.foreveressential.org
Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy
In July I look forward to convening the first ever Senate Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy. I firmly believe that hydrogen energy will play a crucial role in helping our State meet its ambitious clean air and climate goals. For more information on what I am doing to help, please reference a bill I authored on hydrogen energy: Senate Bill 662.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Tour
As more of us begin owning and driving fuel cell, hybrid, and electric vehicles, we will be interacting with increasingly advanced technology that will reshape the way we transport ourselves, our commercial goods and how we provide transportation services.
On June 9th, I toured a SARTA Hydrogen Fuel Cell equipped bus that had been touring the United States and was definitely impressed! To understand how a hydrogen fuel cell works first we must first understand what a fuel cell actually is. A fuel cell is a device that uses hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and the only byproduct, or what is emitted, is water. You can read more about the technology behind this on SARTA’s website by clicking here.
I look forward to working to ensure that our state is ready to make use of this emerging transportation technology. If my bill, Senate Bill 643 is passed, a statewide assessment of the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) fueling infrastructure and fuel production needed to support the adoption of zero-emission trucks, buses, and off-road vehicles, will be prepared by State agencies. With this information legislature and others will be able to make sound infrastructure decisions in an informed manner.
5th Annual California Department of Veteran Affairs Leadership Summit
As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs in the State of California, I am committed to going wherever I can in the service of those who have served in our nation’s military. This year, I was privileged to participatein the 5th Annual California Department of Veterans Affairs Leadership Summit, where I was able to meet with the Department’s staff and leadership to thank them for their services to our veterans during this difficult time.
The Department, also known as CalVet, enacted in its Veterans’ Home of California facilities an ambitious action plan designed to proactively respond to the virus and safeguard California’s veterans under their care.
We discussed this year’s Senate budget, which includes an increase of $5.4 million from the General Fund to support County Veteran Service Officers, who counsel our veterans and create the pathway for veterans to obtain their well-earned and deserved benefits. This budget also includes $25 million to support aging veterans and veterans with disabilities who have experienced chronic homelessness. Many of the organizations that work on veterans’ issues will have the opportunity to apply for this grant. And it provides $20 million to help fund 1,200 permanent supportive housing units for homeless and at-risk veterans at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center Campus.
To Learn more about what services and benefits CalVet can offer you or your loved ones who have served in our nation’s military, please visit their website for more information by clicking here.
Pride Month
I was proud to support Senate Resolution 39, which proclaimed June 2021 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month. It is important that we acknowledge the cultural contributions of our LGBTQ+ community members in order to accurately reflect who we are, but who we strive to be as a State and as a Nation. When we teach our children to respect one another and to recognize the common good in all of us, it must mean we inclusively teach them about every member of our community.
It means acknowledging the contributions to our great State and Nation that LGBTQ+ community members have made in every field of endeavor: the arts and sciences, to academia, public policy and the armed services.
Whether it is equality in our workplaces, full marriage and benefits rights to same-sex couples, or allowing our LGBTQ+ Military Service Members to protect our State and Nation openly with pride, we must continue to advance the cause of equality.
In the district, my team and I are hard at work reminding everyone that they need to get vaccinated as soon as they can do so. As vaccines are now more readily available, this is no reason to not visit a drive thru location or the nearest pharmacy and get your first or second shot.
Chromebook Distribution
On Friday, June 11, 2021, at La Merced Intermediate School in Montebello, my district office team and I, in collaboration with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and State Senator Emeritus Martha Escutia, distributed 2,500 Chromebook laptops to four school districts:
- Montebello,
- Norwalk-La Mirada,
- El Rancho Unified School Districts
- South Whittier School District.
I was proud to work with community and corporate partners to help equip students with devices to aid in their studies, as well as provide the internet capabilities to operate them at their homes. The CETF is a non-profit corporation providing leadership statewide and outreach support to close the digital divide by accelerating the deployment and adoption of broadband to unserved and underserved communities.
I am grateful to former State Senator Martha Escutia, the California Emerging Technology Fund, and Frontier for joining me in our shared commitment to student success, and for their outreach efforts to bring resources to all members of our community during these times.
The Chromebooks also came with discounted or subsidized Internet service from Frontier Communications. Additional resources on affordable internet options can be found here.
Personal Protection Equipment Delivery
My district office and I are still busy delivering PPE supplies to vulnerable seniors, public health stakeholders and regional institutions that serve the needs of some of those most susceptible to Covid-19.
We will continue delivering necessary supplies while also making ourselves available whenever and wherever the need arises to help our community through this as safely as possible. As we continue working to safely reopen, we need to remain aware that not everyone has been vaccinated.
As of June 15, 2021, the Governor terminated the executive orders previously put into place. He also phased out the vast majority of executive actions put in place since March 2020 as part of the pandemic response, leaving a subset of provisions that facilitate the ongoing recovery.
The new public health order effective June 15 supersedes all prior health orders. The order has limited restrictions, only related to masking and mega-events, as well as settings serving children and youth pending an expected update to the K-12 schools guidance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Downey Teen is First in the City to Earn Eagle Scout Badge
Downey High School junior, Stephanie Chavez, 17, is among the first class of young women who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout since the Boy Scouts of America opened enrollment to girls in 2017. Two years later, after taking part in older brother Michael’s scout adventures, Stephanie, who is the captain of Downey High’s championship girls wrestling team, agreed to move from the Girl Scouts, to Scouts BSA, formerly the Boy Scouts of America. Stephanie has flourished in Scouts BSA, culminating in earning the rank of Eagle Scout, which only six percent of scouts achieve.
Emergency Intake Site for Unaccompanied Minors
On June 12th, I joined my colleagues Senator María Elena Durazo, who chairs the California Latino Caucus, Senator Susan Rubio, and State Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez to tour the Pomona Fairplex emergency intake site, designed to care for children who have crossed the border unaccompanied. I appreciate the efforts of on-site health and human services staff and local organizations who are providing care to these children to ensure they remain safe and healthy, and that they are reunited with their loved ones soon. You can learn more about United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra’s ongoing efforts at the facility by clicking here.
100th Birthday of WWII Veteran Paolo Martinez
On June 18, 2021, I was privileged to spend the afternoon celebrating the 100th birthday of WWII veteran Paulo Martinez in Hawaiian Gardens. Mr. Martinez was born in Long Beach, California on June 18, 1921. His community and I are grateful for his service to our country.
Solidarity Walk With Our AAPI Community Members
I was honored to be part of the Solidarity Walk today at Cerritos Regional Park to support Cesar Echano, a victim of an anti-Asian hate attack earlier this month at the park. I joined members of the Cerritos, Artesia, Buena Park and Hawaiian Gardens city councils, and Mr. Echano, who is still recovering from his injuries. We must stand with our AAPI neighbors to stop this hatred and bias. You can read more about local news coverage of the event here. And to learn how to be an ally in response to these attacks on our community, please visit stopaapihate.org.
American Legion 272
Thank you to fellow veteran Robert Tapia and his nonprofit, Golden Rule Community Development Corporation, for helping my office in supporting the upgrade project to American Legion Post 272’s facility. It was a great celebration with Commander Richard Munoz (USMC), 1st Vice Commander Keith Kuba (USMC), 2nd Vice Commander Anthony Cruz (U.S. Navy), Post Adjutant Carlos Larios (U.S. Navy) and Post Bar Manager Ida Rodela, and recognizing their commitment to providing the best accommodations for its members and visitors. I was joined by Montebello Mayor Kimberly Ann Cobos-Cawthorne and Montebello Mayor Pro Tem David Torres.
I was pleased to witness Juneteenth become a Federally recognized holiday on June 19th. The holiday marks when some of the last enslaved people in the Confederacy finally became free following the Emancipation Proclamation’s eventual enforcement in Texas.
You can read the White House’s official proclamation here, and learn more about the history of Juneteenth by clicking here.
Be Prepared for Hot Weather in California and Beat the Heat
The seasons are changing and the temperatures are going up. It's that time of year to once again start considering the effects of warmer temperatures and take appropriate precautions to protect your health and safety.
Each year approximately 20 people die from heat-related emergencies. In 2006 a severe heatwave resulted in 655 deaths and over 16,000 excess emergency room visits throughout the state.
See current Watches, Warnings or Advisories from the National Weather Service, or visit the California Office of Emergency Services for more information by clicking here.
Extreme fires are a growing threat to public health and safety, to homes, to air quality and climate goals, and to our forests. California is seeing fires that burn larger and hotter on average than ever before. One quarter of our state — more than 25 million acres — is now classified as under very high or extreme fire threat. And more than 25 percent of the state’s population lives in these high fire-risk areas. Smoke from extreme fires can occur with little warning, and travel long distances and into urban areas many miles from the flames, negatively impacting public health and degrading quality of life. Check with the California Ari Resources Board for more information by clicking here.
Watch for more updates next month.
Seasonal PTSD Related to Fireworks
As we come together this upcoming Fourth of July to celebrate our Nation’s independence, we all share the same desire to reconnect with neighbors and loved ones. In doing so we must be aware of the mental health and quality of life for individuals impacted by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as they prepare for Fourth of July fireworks.
According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Center for PTSD, about 7 or 8 out of every 100 Americans (or 7-8% of the population) will have PTSD at some point in their lives, while 10 of every 100 women (or 10%) develop PTSD sometime in their lives compared with about 4 of every 100 men (or 4%)
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs also noted that PTSD varies by service era. For Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom veterans, roughly 11-20 out of every 100 Veterans (or between 11-20%) who served have PTSD in a given year. Amongst Vietnam War veterans, it is estimated that about 30 out of every 100 (or 30%) of Vietnam Veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime.
If you or someone you know is experiencing PTSD this Fourth of July, please call 911, go to your nearest emergency room, or call the Veterans Crisis Line at (800) 273-8255 (for veterans and service members, please press 1). If you just want to talk, call the 24/7 Veteran Combat Call Center at (800) 927-8387 to talk to another combat veteran, or call LA County Department of Military and Veterans Affairs at (877) 452-8387.
Governor Newsom, Legislative Leaders Announce Eviction Moratorium Extension, Increased Compensation for Rent Relief
On June 25th, Governor Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders of both the Senate and the Assembly announced a proposed extension of California’s statewide evictions moratorium, and an increase in compensation for California’s rent relief program.
The three-party agreement on AB 832 – which extends the current eviction moratorium through September 30, 2021 – will ensure that California quickly uses the more than $5 billion in federal rental assistance to help the state’s tenants and small landlords and protect vulnerable households from eviction. The agreement widens rental assistance by enhancing current law. Provisions include increasing reimbursement to 100 percent for both rent that is past due and prospective payments for both tenants and landlords. Additionally, the bill ensures rental assistance dollars stay in California by prioritizing cities and counties with unmet needs, and uses the judicial process to ensure tenants and landlords have attempted to obtain rental assistance.
For additional information, please visit https://housing.ca.gov/ or call the Housing is Key assistance line at 1-833-430-2122.
California Launches New Digital Tool Giving Residents Convenient Access to Their COVID-19 Vaccine Record
Today, the California Department of Public Health and California Department of Technology announced a new Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record for Californians, available at myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov. The tool is a convenient option for Californians who received a COVID-19 vaccination to access their record from the state's immunization registry systems. For more information about the Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record, please visit covid19.ca.gov.
DMV Offers Free REAL ID Upgrade
The Department of Motor Vehicles invites all eligible Californians who received driver’s licenses or identification cards during the pandemic but did not get a REAL ID to upgrade now for no additional cost. This offer is set to expire at the end of the year.
Beginning May 3, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will require a valid passport or other federally approved document, like a REAL ID driver’s license or identification card, to board flights within the United States and access secure federal facilities and military bases.To apply for a REAL ID, an applicant must provide a valid Social Security number, proof of identity and two proofs of California residency. A list of qualifying documents and other helpful information can be found at REALID.dmv.ca.gov.
You can read more about the update in acquiring a REAL ID here.
Assisting You with State Agencies
My staff remain available and committed to helping you resolve any issues with state agencies you need assistance with. We will contact a state agency on your behalf to see if we can help get your questions answered or matter resolved.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my staff has helped hundreds of people in our community with EDD claim issues, ensuring they received their benefits. Whether you have an issue related to this year’s tax season for which you need to speak with the Franchise Tax Bureau, or your professional license with the Department of Consumer Affairs is pending and you are not sure when it will be renewed, we can help if you give us a call at (562) 406-1001. You can also find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at https://bit.ly/3ikvzm6
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District