September 2021 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits as we head into the fall season. It has been a productive month in Sacramento as my fellow State Senators and I have continued working to help families safely move forward through the pandemic as our State continues the process of keeping businesses safely open, just as students begin returning to school for in-person classes.
My Capitol office team and I have been busy working to deliver more supportive resources and budget wins for our district. From increased funding for the County Veteran Service officers who help our military veterans troubleshoot or access their benefits, to equipment and building upgrade finances for the City of La Habra Heights Fire Department: wherever I can, I will support those in our community who are doing their best to serve and protect us.
My district office team and I have been busy reconnecting with our regional partners. From laptop giveaways to students in advance of the new school year, to community bike rides displaying new activity and transportation spaces, to ribbon cutting ceremonies welcoming new entrepreneurial enterprises to our cities: we are out there and excited about seeing everyone wherever we can be of service.
Over the last month, Los Angeles County Public Health has begun ordering that masks be warn again by everyone in Los Angeles County 2 years of age and older in response to increased community transmission of the Delta variant of Covid-19. They issued the directive with a reminder to get your vaccine dose(s) immediately. I share the Department’s concerns and continue to encourage everyone to practice safe physical distancing where necessary, and vaccinate immediately.
As always, I stand ready to help you resolve any issues you may have with any state agencies, and encourage you to please reach out to either my Capitol or District offices for assistance at (562) 406-1001 or visit https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/.
God bless,
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District
Budget Wins for Public Health, Veterans, and Public Safety
I shared with you previously how privileged I am to have worked with my colleagues to deliver something for everyone in our community on projects ranging from $4.5 million for a clinical trial network of blood cancer experts across UC cancer centers to $1.1 million for the city of La Habra Heights Fire Department to upgrade their equipment and facilities. The full text of my press release and listing of budget wins for our district can be found here.
Overview of the State and the Progress of the Hydrogen Industry
I was privileged recently to chair the first meeting of the Senate Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy to provide an overview of the State and the progress of the hydrogen industry as California continues making use of emerging energy technology to help the State meet its clean energy goals.
Hydrogen energy will be an important part of our clean energy future, and exciting new technologies in that sector will pave the way for zero emissions vehicles and transportation in California. I look forward to working with my colleagues, industry experts and the transportation industry to learn how we can incorporate hydrogen fuel cell technology into our zero-emission plans in sectors ranging from personal transportation vehicles to heavy-duty vehicles such as public transit and freight trucks. To watch video footage of the Committee’s first meeting, please check the California State Senate’s media archive at https://www.senate.ca.gov/media/senate-hydrogen-energy-committee-20210727/video
Capitol Health Services Swearing-In Ceremony
I was privileged to swear-in recent nursing school graduates from Sacramento City College as they prepared to join the Capitol Health Services. They are preparing to become part of the team of health professionals that regularly tests members of the Senate and Assembly, including their staff, for Covid 19 in order to keep us safely operating. I am grateful for all they have done during these difficult times and look forward to their continued service in our State’s capitol.
In the district, my team and I are hard at work reminding everyone that they need to get vaccinated as soon as they can do so. As vaccines are now more readily available, it is incumbent upon all of us to do our part and visit a drive thru location or the nearest pharmacy as soon as we are able to do so.
National Night Out
This August we celebrated National Night Out, an evening that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie by inviting communities across the United States, its territories and military bases worldwide and their law enforcement to celebrate the day together with neighborly barbecues and festivities.
This annual event is a welcome opportunity to foster dialogue and to be better acquainted with those on the front lines of public safety in our community. After a year and a half apart due to Covid19 restrictions, this event was also a much-needed opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces while also welcoming the newest generation of law enforcement professionals into their communities of service.
You can learn more about National Night Out by visiting https://natw.org/
GI Forum Recognition
In August, the G.I. Forum El Camino Real chapter in Whittier recognized Supervisor Janice Hahn and I for our support of the amazing work they do on behalf of our veterans. As we came together, we also recognized the late Jake Alarid, a past G.I. Forum commander who dedicated over 50 years of his life to this organization.
Jake Alarid and the GI Forum exemplify what veterans helping veterans can accomplish in our communities. Their work benefits not only individuals, but also their families and households, reminding us that what impacts one veteran member of our community affects us all.
Kelco Sales and Engineering-Small Business of the Year Award
In August, I recognized Kelco Sales and Engineering in Norwalk as the 32nd Senate District’s Small Business of the Year. Founded over 100 years ago, owner Tracey Polley and their team have been proudly pioneering the engineering and manufacturing of abrasive blast cleaning machines.
Their commitment to quality and innovation are why they are manufacturing standard-bearers within their respective industry, inspiring anyone who aspires for excellence within their profession.
You can learn more about Kelco Sale and Engineering by visiting http://www.kelcosales.com/
Chromebook Distribution
As part of an ongoing community resource providing partnership, my district office team and I, in collaboration with the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) and State Senator Emeritus Martha Escutia, distributed Chromebook laptops at Graves Middle School in South Whittier School District to students on the second day of the 2021-22 school year. We were joined by SWSD Superintendent Dr. Gary Gonzales, SWSD Board President Jan Baird, Graves Middle School Principal Angelica De La Rosa, Assistant Principal
Jeselle Mata and the parents of students.
I was proud to work with community and corporate partners to help equip students with devices to aid in their studies, as well as provide the internet capabilities to operate them at their homes. The CETF is a non-profit corporation providing leadership statewide and outreach support to close the digital divide by accelerating the deployment and adoption of broadband to unserved and underserved communities.
I am grateful to former State Senator Martha Escutia, the California Emerging Technology Fund, and Frontier for joining me in our shared commitment to student success, and for their outreach efforts to bring resources to all members of our community during these times. The Chromebooks also came with discounted or subsidized Internet service from Frontier Communications.
You can learn more about the California Emerging Technology fund by visiting https://www.cetfund.org/
You can learn more about additional resources on affordable internet options by visiting here.
Niños Latinos Unidos – Non Profit of the Year
It was a privilege to recognize Niños Latinos Unidos as Senate District 32 Non-Profit of the Year.
They are a private non-profit organization that recruits and trains English, Spanish, Bilingual (English/Spanish) speaking resource parents, and places foster children and non-minor dependents in their homes while monitoring their general welfare and attending to their many and varied bio-psychosocial needs, all under the guidance and supervision of the agency’s multi-disciplinary staff.
Their philosophy, that it takes a village for a foster child and non-minor dependent to be successful at meeting the goals in their individualized care plan, is one we can all appreciate as we strive to make foster children, and the families raising them, feel welcome in our communities. You can learn more about their outstanding work in our community at https://www.nlu.org/about.
Join us as we honor our Firefighters and celebrate a new Fire Engine and Apparatus Bay Headquarters for the La Habra Heights Fire Department. There will be a Community Breakfast with the Firefighters as well as a Fire Equipment Demonstration, and a special check presentation from Senator Bob Archuleta and Assembly Member Lisa Calderon.
The entire La Habra Heights community is encouraged to attend and join the City Council, the Fire Chief, and many others as we honor and pay tribute to our Fire Department and celebrate the new public safety assets coming to the department. Hope to see you there on Saturday September 18, 2021, 8-10am at The Park, 1885 Hacienda Rd, La Habra Heights.
Los Angeles County Public Health Issues New Mask Guidance
Los Angeles County Public Health is ordering that masks be worn again by everyone in Los Angeles County 2 years of age and older in response to increased community transmission of the Delta variant of Covid-19 over the last month. Los Angeles County Public Health is directing that masks be worn again in all indoor public settings, venues, gatherings, and businesses, regardless of vaccination status. Their directive is also being issued with a reminder to get your vaccine dose(s) immediately.
As 80-90 percent of us must vaccinate in order to reach herd immunity, it is incumbent upon us all to do our part. Los Angeles County Public Health’s website lists sites offering vaccines here. Search their database to find the location nearest you, and remember that vaccines are given at no cost regardless of immigration status or prior healthcare coverage.
Private healthcare providers in LA County are still providing vaccines. Kaiser Permanente for example maintains a list of vaccination sites here. Non–Kaiser Permanente members will also be able to get the vaccine through them at no cost. I remain grateful to our community partners throughout Los Angeles County for their unwavering commitment to public health, and for their outreach efforts in order to bring resources to all members of our community during these times.
See the LA County Health Officer Order and Best Practices for Businesses webpage for details of workplace requirements. For the most up-to-date information from the State of California, please visit covid19.ca.gov, and please continue to follow the current guidelines from the CDC website on how we can protect each other and ourselves.
Be Prepared for Hot Weather in California and Beat the Heat
The seasons are changing and the temperatures are going up. It is that time of year to once again start considering the effects of warmer temperatures and take appropriate precautions to protect your health and safety.
Each year approximately 20 people die from heat-related emergencies. In 2006, a severe heatwave resulted in 655 deaths and over 16,000 excess emergency room visits throughout the state.
See current Watches, Warnings or Advisories from the National Weather Service, or visit the California Office of Emergency Services for more information by clicking here.
Extreme fires are a growing threat to public health and safety, to homes, to air quality and climate goals, and to our forests. California is seeing fires that burn larger and hotter on average than ever before. One quarter of our state — more than 25 million acres — is classified as under very high or extreme fire threat, while more than 25 percent of the state’s population lives in these high fire-risk areas. Smoke from extreme fires can occur with little warning, and travel long distances and into urban areas many miles from the flames, negatively impacting public health and degrading quality of life. Check with the California Air Resources Board for more information by clicking here.
Expect more updates from me in next month’s newsletter.
California Offers New Digital Tool Giving Residents Convenient Access to Their COVID-19 Vaccine Record
The California Department of Public Health and California Department of Technology offers a Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record for Californians, available at myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov. The tool is a convenient option for Californians who received a COVID-19 vaccination to access their record from the state's immunization registry systems. For more information about the Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record, please visit covid19.ca.gov.
DMV Offers Free REAL ID Upgrade
The Department of Motor Vehicles invites all eligible Californians who received driver’s licenses or identification cards during the pandemic but did not get a REAL ID to upgrade now for no additional cost. This offer is set to expire at the end of the year.
Beginning May 3, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will require a valid passport or other federally approved document, like a REAL ID driver’s license or identification card, to board flights within the United States and access secure federal facilities and military bases. To apply for a REAL ID, an applicant must provide a valid Social Security number, proof of identity and two proofs of California residency. A list of qualifying documents and other helpful information is available at REALID.dmv.ca.gov.
You can read more about the update in acquiring a REAL ID here.
Assisting You with State Agencies
My staff remain available and committed to helping you resolve any issues you have with any state agencies. We will contact a state agency on your behalf to see if we can help get your questions answered or matter resolved.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my staff has helped hundreds of people in our community with EDD claim issues, ensuring they received their benefits. Whether you have an issue related to this year’s tax season for which you need to speak with the Franchise Tax Bureau, or your professional license with the Department of Consumer Affairs is pending and you are not sure when it will be renewed, we can help if you give us a call at (562) 406-1001. You can also find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at https://bit.ly/3ikvzm6
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District