June 2021 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor,
It’s been another productive month in Sacramento as my colleagues in the State Senate and I continue working to help families safely move forward as we increasingly look towards reopening most of California on June 15, 2021.
Over the coming weeks, my colleagues and I in the Senate will be working on May budget revisions necessary for a safe reopening in our schools and businesses. We are finalizing a budget to help Californians build back boldly with a $100 billion comeback plan – the biggest economic recovery package in California’s history – which will provide 2 out of every 3 Californians with Golden State Stimulus Checks. As a lifelong veterans advocate I was especially pleased to see a $25 million allocation to CalVet to fund a competitive grant program to help provide services for our aging and formerly homeless military veterans. God bless them.
In the San Gabriel Valley: my district office and I are continuing to remind everyone to please get your vaccine shots as soon as possible. We are also continuing to deliver personal protection equipment like masks and gloves to vulnerable senior center residents and front line workers. And as always: we stand ready to help you resolve any issues you may have with any state agencies, and encourage you to call or email us should you need assistance.
As always, please reach out to either my Capitol or District offices for assistance at (562) 406-1001 or visit https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/.
God bless,
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District
In the Capitol, we are continuing to work on bills that may be signed into law to serve and improve California on issues ranging from public safety when handling illegal fireworks, to infrastructure improvements by studying our State’s current and future capacity to support zero-emission trucks, buses, and off-road vehicles.
As part of my 2021 bill package, I introduced Senate Bill (SB) 643. This bill would task the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the Energy Commission and Public Utilities Commission to prepare a statewide infrastructure assessment in order for us to better understand what improvements are needed for California to meet its clean air goals. As more alternative fuel and electric vehicles become a part of our lives, small business operations, and the State’s overall economy, it is important that we understand where and how our infrastructure needs improvement in order to make informed decisions on how to meet the vehicular needs of tomorrow.
I also introduced Senate Bill (SB) 277 in response to illegal fireworks. This bill does not in any way outlaw fireworks, or make any readily available fireworks from the seasonal fireworks stands we all see around the Fourth of July illegal. This bill would make improvements to California’s state fireworks law by updating statewide protocols on coordination between the State Fire Marshall and local government agencies to safely handle the disposal of already confiscated illegal fireworks. As we contend with a drought, it is imperative that the number of illegal fireworks, which are prone to fly off in an uncontrolled manner and start brush fires that quickly threaten surrounding homes, be reduced in a responsible manner that minimizes the chance of an accident. We all want to have a safe and fun Fourth of July next month, and I’m hopeful that my continued work on this bill will help make that possible.
This past May was Military Appreciation Month, and as part of events to recognize the generations of men and women who have served our nation in the United States Armed forces, it was truly an honor to be invited to speak at the Veterans Affiliated Council, Sacramento’s 100th Anniversary.
The council is a county level centralized point of information and resources to serve the needs of all veterans. One hundred years of public service, improving the quality of life for veterans and their families is truly a remarkable milestone. I was honored to be in the presence of so many veterans, and to hear from them about their patriotism and service to our nation.
From John Canfield, an 82nd Airborne Battle of Normandy combat veteran, to William Franco, the Council’s current President who will be carrying the organization’s legacy into the future, they exemplified the best of what returning veteran can do in the service of their country once they come home.
I will also continue advocating for the retired US Navy Battleship Iowa to become a museum in the Port of Los Angeles so that future generations can learn about the service of its many crew members. The battleship was donated to a non-profit organization in the Port of Los Angeles, and by introducing Senate Joint Resolution 3, I am urging the United States Congress to pass a bill at the Federal level to help make this happen.
Though military appreciation month is now behind us, let us honor those who have served every month and every day, and each do our part to welcome them home.
In the district, my team and I are hard at work reminding everyone that they need to get vaccinated as soon as they are able to do so. As vaccines are now more readily available, this is no reason to not visit a drive thru location or the nearest pharmacy and get your first or second shot out of the way.
Rick Gomez Park Project groundbreaking in Buena Park
I was on hand for the Rick Gomez Park groundbreaking in Buena Park. For many years, Rick was a city commissioner, little league coach, and lifelong resident of the City of Buena Park.
He gave so much to our community and left us way too soon. This park will honor his legacy and will serve as a tribute to Rick and his family.
In the years to come, we will be looking forward to utilizing this park with our families as it will incorporate something for everyone: a seating and picnic area for outdoor dining, a fitness park featuring outdoor exercise equipment for children and adults, and baseball facilities for little league teams.
Memorial Day Weekend Kick-Off BBQ to Feed 100 Veterans
On Saturday, May 29th, 2021, my team and I began the Memorial Day weekend with the distinct honor of commemorating the service of six fallen soldiers from our community, while presenting their Gold Star families with US flags and certificates of recognition. The sacrifices of our fallen soldiers over generations, and spanning armed conflicts from our nation’s founding to the Iraq and Afghanistan operations are commemorated on the final Monday of every May, but the legacy and memory of what they stood for stays with us every day.
Deputy Williams End of Watch Anniversary Event
On Saturday, May 29, I formally presented Senate Concurrent Resolution 67 to the surviving family members of Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Jack Williams, who was killed in the line of duty by a drug trafficker on May 29, 1979. He was just 35 years old at the time of his murder, and had served our community with honor and distinction for 9 years since his appointment as a deputy sheriff.
A resolution issued by the State Senate, like the ones pictures above and presented to Deputy Williams’ surviving daughters and widow, declares our intention to preserve his memory for future generations because it is important that his service and sacrifice always be remembered. This resolution will also designate a portion of Interstate 605 between Alondra Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue in the County of Los Angeles as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff Jack Williams Memorial Highway as this was the route Williams would take from his home in Bellflower to his Industry Station Narcotics Office posting.
May Deputy Williams’ legacy live on, both for his professional bravery in the service of our community, and for the sacrifice he made to keep us all safe.
City of La Mirada Memorial Day Event
It was my privilege to join Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 9148 and the City of La Mirada at Olive Lawn Memorial Park in honoring those who paid the ultimate price in the service of our nation’s peace and security during armed conflict.
It is truly a sight to behold when our community comes together to recognize those who have made it possible to enjoy the generational freedoms and opportunities that have to come to define our nation. God bless them and their families.
40th Annual Buena Park Memorial Day Event
It was an honor to be the keynote speaker for the City of Buena Park’s 40th Annual Memorial Day remembrance program at Ehlers Event Center. I want to acknowledge Buena Park Councilmember, and fellow veteran Art Brown for inviting me to take part, and acknowledge my legislative partner also in attendance: Assemblymember Sharon Quirk Silva. It was a great turnout for an annual event that has done so much over four decades to honor the legacy of our fallen soldiers by bringing us together with their families to commemorate them memory.
Notice of Treatment for Invasive Species
The California Department of Food and Agriculture has notified us that they are going to be responding to an invasive species of citrus psyllid by spraying insecticide to control the adult and nymphs of this bug. Without treatment, this invasive bug will continue to cause harm to trees in our region as it potentially spreads uncontrolled.
Treatments maps that highlight what areas are being treated can be found here.
DMV Extends Expiring Commercial Driver’s Licenses Through August
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is announcing a new round of extensions for commercial driver’s licenses expiring through August 31, 2021. This extension will allow commercial drivers to continue to deliver essential products and supplies. Following updated guidance from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the DMV is extending all commercial driver’s licenses, learner’s permits and endorsements that expire between March 2020 and August 31, 2021. A previous extension had been set to expire at the end of May. In the interest of commerce, the DMV has alerted California law enforcement of the new extensions. While the extensions are automatic, eligible commercial drivers will not receive a new card or an extension in the mail.
A summary of the extensions covered can be found here.
Please note the REAL ID Federal government deadline has been extended. Beginning May 3, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will require a valid passport or other federally approved document, like a REAL ID driver’s license or identification card, to board flights within the United States and access secure federal facilities and military bases. You can read more about that here.
Assisting You with State Agencies
My staff remain available and committed to helping you resolve any issues with state agencies you need assistance with. We will contact a state agency on your behalf to see if we can help get your questions answered or matter resolved.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my staff has helped hundreds of people in our community with EDD claim issues, ensuring they received their benefits. Whether you have an issue related to this year’s tax season for which you need to speak with the Franchise Tax Bureau, or your professional license with the Department of Consumer Affairs is pending and you are not sure when it will be renewed, we can help if you give us a call at (562) 406-1001.