January 2020 Newsletter
Dear Neighbors,
Welcome to a new decade!
I hope you and your family and friends have had a great start to the New Year.
My staff and I are glad to be back at work after a very short period on behalf of the constituents of the Thirty-Second Senate District.
This year is going to be another busy and productive one in Sacramento and in District 32 as we address important issues such as housing, education, veterans, public safety, homelessness, the environment and more facing the district and the state.
As always, please reach out to either my Capitol or District Office if you feel we can be of any assistance to you.
God bless,
Senator Bob Archuleta
Thirty-Second Senate District
I spent the first weekend of December kicking off the holidays with the Tree Lighting Ceremony in Pico Rivera and riding in the 68th Annual Downey Christmas Parade.
“It was my honor to be on hand to recognize two longtime leaders in Buena Park. Police Chief Corey Sianez for reaching the 40-year milestone at the Buena Park Police Department, and Mayor Art Brown for his service in leading the City Council this last year. Both gentlemen care deeply for the city of Buena Park and are a pleasure to work with.”
Senator Archuleta Kicks Off High School Civic Engagement Drive |
In an effort to increase teenager’s interest in government and politics, Senator Bob Archuleta, helped kick off Gahr High School’s Civic Engagement Drive, with a speech of encouragement to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Hosted by the Social Science Department, administrators, and the group of students in charge of the civic engagement drive, Senator Archuleta spoke about his experiences as a high school student, a U.S. Army Paratrooper, working with the Montebello Police Department, and now as a California State Senator.
Senator Archuleta also explained the importance of the young vote, and how vital it is that young people remain informed and participate in their government.
“It’s vital that young people be informed and participate in our democracy by voting,” Senator Archuleta said in his address to the students. “Casting a vote in local and national elections gives you a voice on issues such as the environment, education and affordable housing, all issues.”
The voter registration/pre-registration conducted following the speech garnered 104 new voters – a majority of them being students who attended the senator’s speech.
“By having local elected officials, like Senator Archuleta, speak to high school students, we hope they will take the big step of registering to vote and engaging with politics and government,” Gahr High School senior Santiago Mayer said. “When young people speak, our voice is loud, clear, and powerful. We are the voters of tomorrow, but it is time that we become the voters of today.”
Student Body: Mohamed Yazid Makoon, Krezzia Basilio, Eric, Agitan, Santiago Mayer, Fidel Vasquez and Venus Chan welcome the Senator to Gahr High School’s gymnasium.
I want to thank all the volunteers who came out to assist with toys and food during the Christmas holidays. It is always great to see the children’s faces when they receive toys from Santa Clause, and it’s always great to see families in the 32nd Senate District receive much needed food during the holidays to make their Christmas meal was a special one for them and their families.
Here is a little sample of some of the events I was able to attend and support.
Thank you to The Maverick Group in Montebello and the partnership with the city of Montebello for giving meals to the community for more than 35 years. Sponsors Brad Perrin, the city of Montebello, along with community organizations make sure toys are given to each child in attendance. Over 3500 meals where served today at Quiet Cannon.
It was my pleasure to do my part and support the more than 400 volunteers who make this event possible.
Senator Bob Archuleta with children from Montbello, and Councilwoman Kimberly Ann Cobos-Cawthorne as Miss Santa.
It was wonderful to see the smiling faces of all the families at Heart of Compassion’s Christmas Celebration in Montebello. Over 3000 families gathered for a full Christmas meal and toys for the children.
It was a pleasure to take part in American Legion Post 272’s Annual Christmas Party and Toy Giveaway in Montebello.
I joined personnel from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, city and over 200 volunteers to distribute toys to more than 3,000 children at Hollywood Sports Park in Bellflower.
Thanks to Grifols and the Pico Rivera Sheriffs for donating toys we distributed to Alma Family Services at the Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce. It’s through the generosity of community partners that families in District 32 had a wonderful Christmas.
During the holiday season our local nonprofits play an important role in providing our children with the joy of Christmas. I enjoyed being part of the 4th Annual Boys and Girls Club of Whittier Christmas Toy Giveaway. Hundreds of families were treated to breakfast and given toys to take home. I’m glad to have this organization located in the 32nd Senate District. Thanks to the BGCW Board, Mayor Joe Vinatieri and Oscar Hernandez for the invite.
I had a great time at the Pico Rivera toy giveaway. The city partnered with the Sheriff’s Department, Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce, Chick-fil-A, Papa John’s and Alma Family Services to bring holiday cheer to more than 125 local children.
Congratulations to David Dashiell on his promotion to captain with the California Highway Patrol. We’ll miss him in District 32’s Santa Fe Springs CHP office.
I spoke at the Pico Rivera Woman’s Club about what my staff and I accomplished in 2019 on behalf of the People of Senate District 32. It was also my pleasure to introduce new Councilwoman Monica Sanchez who was elected to fill my vacated seat.
I met with the Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy (Ctr), and elected officials, at Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles to discuss issues pertaining to recruitment and funding for programs in the 32nd Senate District. The secretary of the Army is nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The secretary is a non-cabinet level official serving under the secretary of defense.
In early December I was on hand with the Whittier YMCA to support all the good work and great programs they offer kids and adults throughout the 32nd Senate District. They are one of many vital nonprofit organizations in the district that are so important in helping and serving our constituents.
I was pleased to be out in the 32nd District in Montebello to talk to the Montebello District Board of Realtors to discuss the importance of giving back to our community. They are one of the oldest associations in the region. Supporting and growing home ownership is so important in creating a thriving community.
I was able to recognize and support the Latin Business Association. They have a 43-year history of creating economic development and business growth in the 32nd Senate District, and in the region. Far left my brother David, my wife Rose and my friends from Excellence Realty, Rosita & Mike Oyoque.
Thank you again for all of your support. December was a very busy month, considering we did all these events in two and a half weeks. Now that it's 2020, we will be busier than ever.
Bob Archuleta
Senate District 32