Senator Archuleta Issues Statements on Governor’s Revised 2022-23 Budget Proposal
Pico Rivera, CA – Senator Archuleta released the following statement on Governor Gavin Newsom’s revised 2022-23 budget proposal:
“As chair of both the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs and the Hydrogen Energy Committee, I am encouraged by the revised funding figures put forth by Governor Newsom in this year’s 2022-23 proposed budget. The $10 million in funding for education outreach, prevention and intervention to help prevent veteran suicides is essential in order to ensure important resources are available to our veterans. Additionally, I commend the Governor for the $40 million to match grants supporting veteran mental health services to organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for veterans and their families.”
“I am also pleased to see $2 billion allocated in the Governor’s budget to provide incentives for renewable hydrogen that will help California meet its emission targets by modernizing our transportation infrastructure to deliver environmentally sound, healthier transportation options.”
Budget revisions are ongoing, and Senator Archuleta will continue working with the Legislature and Governor to ensure another budget delivering on immediate and long-term goals gets passed on time.
Senator Bob Archuleta represents the 32nd Senate District, which includes portions of Los Angeles County and Orange County. He is Chair of the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Chair of the Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy, and member of the Senate Select Committee on California, Armenia and Artsakh Mutual Trade, Art and Cultural Exchange. Website of Senator Bob Archuleta: https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/