Senator Bob Archuleta Year in Review
2020 has proven to be a very challenging year. COVID-19 has affected almost every aspect of our daily lives. From our physical and mental health to our financial and educational opportunities, and just when we thought it could not get any worse, wildfires, boosted by climate change, have ravaged our State and polluted our air. However, if 2020 has taught us anything it is to be thankful for what we do have and to not take anything for granted.
When the pandemic hit in California it felt like time stopped. I used the first couple of months to reorganize my entire staff to focus on the evolving needs of the constituents of the 32nd Senate District. I was happy to see my staff rise to this challenge. They helped my constituents resolve unemployment issues with the Employment Development Department and helped locate COVID-19 resources like testing facilities and food banks. I personally worked very closely with the Newsom Administration. I was able to secure much needed COVID-19 testing supplies and personal protective equipment or PPE for our front line workers.
At one point during the year, it looked like the legislature might not return to Sacramento to finish the legislative year. However, with an overabundance of new safeguards in place we were able to return and accomplish a lot of great work. With the support of my democratic colleagues and the Governor, we were able to pass a balanced budget to avoid cuts to our schools and ensure all of our essential programs would remain in place. This feat was only possible because California had built up a rainy day fund over the last 10 years for a time like this. My colleagues and I also passed a number of important laws. One of particular note was a piece of legislation that added protections for renters affected by COVID-19.
I personally had a very successful legislative year considering the circumstances. Each Senator was asked to limit their bill package due to the stresses of the pandemic. I limited my bill package to five bills, and I am happy to report that the Governor signed all five of those bills. My bills focused on helping our veterans, increasing the public safety in our communities, and protecting our environment. A full list of my bills signed into law can be found on my website https://sd32.senate.ca.gov.
As always, please use my office as a resource. I am here to serve you and every resident of the 32nd Senate District.
Senator Bob Archuleta
California State Senate, District 32