September 2020 Newsletter
Dear Neighbor,
I hope this message finds you and your families well during this unprecedented time. I appreciate you doing your part to slow the spread of COVID-19, by wearing a face covering in public, practicing physical distancing, and staying safer at home.
I know many of you are concerned about the process of reopening our state and our businesses. Small businesses are the beating heart of our communities, and the sooner we can be confident in the safety of both workers and consumers, the sooner we can get our businesses back to work. In that spirit, the Governor’s office has issued new guidance for the reopening of counties and businesses around the state. You can refer to this website for more information regarding the infection rate in the county and what businesses are able to open.
During this pandemic, my staff and I have been busy working on behalf of the 32nd District constituents in Sacramento and locally. You and your families safety has remained my top priority as my office has worked with the governor and my colleagues in the Legislature during this pandemic, the current heat wave, and the wildfires.
My capitol staff in Sacramento and I have worked diligently on the legislative front by writing and helping to pass legislation relevant to improving our communities. Locally, my staff and I have partnered with businesses and groups in my district to distribute food to more than 12,000 families in the last few of months, as well as backpacks filled with school essentials to more than 1,000 students. As a new school year starts, our students and teachers face new challenges with distance learning. I want to commit to the educators and the families of my district that my office remains a resource to all of you in this new school paradigm.
I know what difficult times many of you face due to the economic downturn. My staff and I remain committed to answering your calls regarding EDD claims. We have helped hundreds with filling their claims, and we would be proud to serve you as well.
Although the District Office is closed for business, my staff is still ready and able to serve you. You will also find in this newsletter, links that you may find helpful on different subjects. Please contact our Norwalk office Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm at (562) 406-1001 and sign up for our newsletter at https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/newsletter-sign.
Click on the following links below for information from the County of Los Angeles and the State of California.
For the most up-to-date information as the Small Business Administration implements the CARES Act, this page will have the best central information from SBA: https://www.sba.gov/page/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-guidance-loan-resources - Live agents are available to guide you through the process at 1-800-659-2955.
California Department of Insurance / don’t let Covid-19 infect you with insurance fraud. Please download the link to learn about this and other potential hazardous scams taking shape in the State of California during these difficult times.–
The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on payroll. Small business administration will forgive loans if all employee retention criteria are met, and the funds are used for eligible expenses.
The Los Angeles County Public Health website will guide you through various departments and messages from your county leaders. You will also find the most recent information on Covid-19, Fire Safety and air quality, Mosquito spread and tips on ridding mosquitos in your neighborhoods, find out what’s open in Los Angeles County, and many other topics that might be on your mind. http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/
The California Labor and Workforce Development Agency oversees seven major departments, boards and panels that serve California workers and businesses by improving access to employment and training programs, enforcing California labor laws to protect workers and create an even playing field for employers, and administering benefits that include workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and disability insurance and paid family leave. https://www.labor.ca.gov/
For the most up-to-date information on Covid-19 from the state of California, visit https://update.covid19.ca.gov/
California Department of Veteran Affairs website, https://www.calvet.ca.gov/ , shares information regarding benefits and services for veterans and their families. Included in the site is information on employment, education, healthcare, home loans, housing, advocacy and VA claims. You can also call my office at (562) 406-1001, and we will mail you a CALVET’S updated resource book to have in your home.
DMV Expands Online Services with Commercial Driver’s License Renewals |
Latest digital option for transactions that previously required an office visit
The California Department of Motor Vehicles is now offering commercial driver’s license renewals online for eligible commercial drivers at dmv.ca.gov/online.
Renewing a commercial driver’s license previously required a visit to a DMV office, but now most commercial drivers can now renew their driver’s license online. Eligible commercial drivers can upload the necessary documents, pay the required fee by credit or debit card, and then receive their new card within a few weeks.
However, those who are required to take a test or who do not have a clean driver record are still required to visit a field office to renew their license.
The federal government has moved the deadline to complete and return the 2020 Census to Sept. 30, 2020.
While you and your families are staying safer at home, please complete the 2020 Census online, by phone, or return the paper form mailed to your home earlier this year.
It takes only minutes to complete, and the information you provide stays confidential.
Completing the 2020 Census will help ensure District 32 receives our fair share of federal funding for housing, jobs, better roads, schools, public safety and programs benefiting seniors, children, families, and the entire community, as well as other services
An accurate account also means California is fairly represented in the United States Congress.
My office and I partnered with the city of Commerce, Heart of Compassion and City of Refuge in distributing food to more than 400 families in August. I was joined by several volunteers, including Commerce Mayor Pro Tem Oralia Rebollo in loading the food into cars.
Back Pack Giveaway Partnership with Rose Hills Memorial Park |
I joined officials of Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary to distribute more than 1,000 backpacks filled with an array of school supplies to students of all grades in August. Families, who preregistered online, took part in a drive-thru distribution at Rose Hills.
The schools in the Thirty-Second Senate District will practice distance learning, with some families needing assistance with buying the required school supplies.
Although the upcoming school year will look different because of the safety precaution of distance learning put in place to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, our students still need necessary tools for a productive learning experience, whether in a classroom or their respective homes. A number of our families are struggling financially because of the pandemic, so I commend businesses, such as Rose Hills, for providing assistance and being a true community partner.”
Officials from the 32nd Senate District and other southeast municipalities participated in a Census Parade to encourage everyone to fill out the 2020 Census. An accurate count means federal funding for important community services that help support our families and determines representation in California and Washington D.C. More 50 cars traveled through the 32nd District, and I greeted some of them as they drove off at the start of the parade.
Congratulating 2020 High Schools & College Graduates in District 32 |
I was able to congratulate most of the district’s Class of 2020 online through social media, and some in person, including Cal High’s Ryan Celiz of Whittier.
I joined Jake Alirid, president of the G.I. Forum, and members of the organization, in presenting an electric wheelchair to retired Marine Sgt. Hal Estabrook. Weekends are for getting out into the community and providing help to constituents, like our veterans.
Honoring Our Veterans
I attended a parade in July for the 102nd Birthday of William R. Sanchez and was able to make a short presentation to him during the parade. I have known the Sanchez family for many years. It was a pleasure to attend as over 100 cars lined the street.
Saluting One of Our Own
It was my solemn honor to be invited by Marine Lance Cpl. Marco "Andy" Barranco's family to be part of this private ceremony. They have shown such strength and grace during this most difficult time for their family. The U.S. Marine Corps family has supported them since this tragic accident took place, as have the city of Montebello, the Montebello Police Department, family, friends, and the entire Montebello community. God bless Marine Cpl. Marco Barranco, may he rest in peace. The U.S. flag that I presented to the Barranco family was flown over the State Capitol in Sacramento in honor of Cpl. Barranco, one of the servicemen who were killed in a training accident earlier this month of the coast of Southern California.
Another successful food distribution for the 32nd Senate District at the Marine Corps. Reserve Base in Pico Rivera. More than 50 volunteers distributed food to 600 families. Thank you to the volunteers, the city of Pico Rivera, the Marines, Heart of Compassion, City of Refuge and all the volunteers.
Food Distribution in Montebello
In the city of Montebello, we were able to distribute food to over 400 families on a Saturday morning in early July. Thanking once again, the Heart of Compassion, City of Refuge, the City of Montebello, my staff and the entire staff of the city of Montebello for all the hard work on this day. Volunteer, Fernando Chacon of the Montebello Unified School Disrict helped me load up cars with food for families in need during this pandemic.
I was glad to help unveil the new Hydrogen Fuel Cell at the SocalGas headquarters in Pico Rivera. This new technology fuel cell can power the entire SocalGas campus with clean hydrogen power. Thank you Myram Brown, President of Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) and Chris Kim with Bloom Energy. Look for my bill SB662 next year, which will open the door to much wider use of clean hydrogen for our energy needs.