Senator Archuleta’s Senate Resolution 67 Proclaims May 1-7 as Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week
Pico Rivera, CA – Senator Bob Archuleta presented Senate Resolution 67 for the third year in a row proclaiming the week of May 1, 2022, as Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week, and encouraging everyone in California to become better informed about, and aware of, Tardive Dyskinesia.
Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) is a movement disorder characterized by random, involuntary, and uncontrolled movements of different muscles in the face, trunk, and extremities that can develop in some people prescribe dopamine receptor blocking agents (DRBAs) to treat chronic mental illness, such as schizophrenia and other schizoaffective disorders, bipolar disorder, or severe depression.
Lack of awareness regarding the dynamics of the disorder reduces the quality of life for those affected by TD, as the public is generally unaware of the uncontrolled movements and related difficulties that can develop months, years, or decades after a person starts taking DBRAs.
“Patients suffering from Tardive Dyskinesia often suffer embarrassment due to abnormal and involuntary movements, which leads them to withdraw from society. These are folks trying to live and function in our communities and unfortunately, the lack of awareness about this disease creates a stigma. The more we can raise awareness of this illness, the more we can remove the negative stigma associated with it.”
Tardive Dyskinesia is often unrecognized and patients suffering from the illness are commonly misdiagnosed, but there is some hope. After several years of research, the FDA has approved medications meant to treat Tardive Dyskinesia, providing relief to those that have suffered from this illness.
“We need to recognize that medications can be lifesavers or changers, while recognizing that with every medication there comes some type of side effect whether it be dry mouth, sleepiness, weight gain or loss. We need to normalize having conversations about those side effects and not demonize individuals grappling with them as part of their long term treatment plans.”
To learn more about tardive dyskinesia, please visit https://www.talkabouttd.com/
Senator Bob Archuleta represents the 32nd Senate District, which includes portions of Los Angeles County and Orange County. He is Chair of the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Chair of the Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy, and member of the Senate Select Committee on California, Armenia and Artsakh Mutual Trade, Art and Cultural Exchange. Website of Senator Bob Archuleta: https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/